Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Everything You Need to Know About Rooting Your Android Phone

We love Android, but rooting your phone can give you the opportunity to do so much more than your phone can do out of the box—whether it's wireless tethering, speeding it up with overclocking, or customizing the look of your phone with themes. Here's what you need to know about the rooting process, and where to find a guide for your phone.

What Is Rooting, Exactly?

Rooting, for those of you that don't know, means giving yourself root permissions on your phone. It's similar running programs as administrators in Windows, or running a command with sudo in Linux. With a rooted phone, you can run apps that require access to certain system settings, as well as flash custom ROMs to your phone, which add all sorts of extra features. If you're on the fence about rooting, check out our top 10 reasons to root your Android phone for some motivation.

There are a ton of different Android phones out there, and while some rooting methods might work for multiple phones, there is no one-size-fits-all guide for rooting every phone out there. But, there are a lot of things you should know about rooting before you start, and this guide should help you out.

Glossary of Rooting Terms

As you learn more about the rooting process, you'll probably run into a bunch of terms that can be confusing. Here are some of the most important ones and what they mean.

If there are any other terms you think we should add, let us know and we'll put them in!
  • Root: Rooting means you have root access to your device—that is, it can run the sudo command, and has enhanced privileges allowing it to run apps like Wireless Tether or SetCPU. You can root either by installing the Superuser application or by flashing a custom ROM that includes root access.

  • ROM: A ROM is a modified version of Android. It may contain extra features, a different look, speed enhancements, or even a version of Android that hasn't been released for your phone yet. We won't discuss ROMs in depth here, but if you want to use one once you're rooted, you can download from this collections.

  • Kernel: A kernel is the component of your operating system that manages communications between your software and hardware. There are a lot of custom kernels out there for most phones, many of which can speed up your phone and increase your battery life, among other things. Be careful with kernels, though, as a bad one can cause serious problems with your phone and possibly even brick it.

  • Radio: Radios are part of your phone's firmware. Your radio controls your cellular data, GPS, Wi-Fi, and other things like that. You can sometimes find custom radios for your phone that you can flash yourself, but beware as sometimes these can cause problems.

  • Flash: Flashing essentially means installing something on your device, whether it be a ROM, a kernel, or a recovery (see below) that comes in the form of a ZIP file. Sometimes the rooting process requires flashing a ZIP file, sometimes it doesn't.

  • Brick: To brick your phone is to break it during flashing or other acts. There is always a small risk with flashing, and if your phone becomes unable to function—that is, it basically becomes a brick—you've bricked your phone. The risk is very small, however, and more often than not people say "brick" when they really mean "it turns on but doesn't boot properly," which is a very fixable problem. See the FAQ below for more information.

  • Bootloader: Your bootloader is the lowest level of software on your phone, running all the code that's necessary to start your operating system. Most bootloaders come locked, meaning you can't flash custom recoveries or ROMs. Unlocking your bootloader doesn't root your phone directly, but it does allow you to root and/or flash custom ROMs if you so desire.

  • Recovery: Your recovery is the software on your phone that lets you make backups, flash ROMs, and perform other system-level tasks. The default recovery on your phone can't do much, but you can flash a custom recovery—like ClockworkMod or TWRP—after you've unlocked your bootloader that will give you much more control over your device. This is often an integral part of the rooting process.

  • Nandroid: From most third-party recovery modules, you can make backups of your phone called nandroid backups. It's essentially a system image of your phone: Everything exactly how it is right now. That way, if you flash something that breaks your phone, you can just flash back to your most recent nandroid backup to return everything to normal. This is different from using an app like Titanium Backup that just backs up apps and/or settings—nandroid backups backup the entire system as one image. Titanium backups are best when switching between ROMs or phones.

  • ADB: ADB stands for Android Debug Bridge, and it's a command line tool for your computer that can communicate with an Android device you've connected to it. It's part of the Android Software Developers Kit (SDK). Many of the root tools you'll find use ADB, whether you're typing the commands yourself or not. Unless the instructions call for installing the SDK and running ADB commands, you won't need to mess with it—you'll just need to know that it's what most of the tools use to root your phone.

  • S-OFF: HTC phones use a feature called Signature Verification in HBOOT, their bootloader. By default, your phone has S-ON, which means it blocks you from flashing radio images—the code that manages your data, Wi-Fi, and GPS connections. Switching your phone to S-OFF lets you flash new radios. Rooting doesn't require S-OFF, but many rooting tools will give you S-OFF in addition to root access, which is nice.

  • RUU, SBF, and OPS: ROM Upgrade Utilities (for HTC phones), System Boot Files (for Motorola phones), and OPS and PIT files (for Samsung phones) are files direct from the manufacturer that change the software on your phone. RUU and SBF files are how the manufacturers deliver your over-the-air upgrades, and modders often post leaked RUU and SBF files for flashing when the updates haven't been released yet. They're also handy when downgrading your phone, if a rooting method isn't available for the newest software version yet. You can flash RUUs right from your HTC phone, but Motorola users will need a Windows program called RSD Lite to flash SBF files, and Samsung users will need a tool called Odin to flash OPS and PIT files (note there is a specific version of Odin for each device)

Frequently Asked Rooting Questions

People have a lot of questions about rooting, and we hear them all the time. Here are some of the most frequently asked, laid out so you don't have to ask someone else.

What's the difference between rooting, unlocking, and flashing a ROM? This can be confusing, since the three practices are often performed at the same time. We've detailed some of this above, but briefly: Unlocking your bootloader is usually the first step in the process and allows you to flash a custom recovery. From there, you can then give yourself root access or flash a ROM. Root access isn't required to flash a ROM, but almost all custom ROMs will come with root access built-in.

Note that when we say "unlock" in this guide, we mean unlocking your bootloader—not unlocking your phone to use a different carrier, which is a completely different thing and doesn't always require hacking (since you can often purchase carrier-unlocked phones directly from Google or elsewhere).
Can I unroot my phone? Yes. If you decide you don't like being rooted, you can often find instructions on unrooting your phone as well. Usually it involves flashing an RUU, SBF, or something similar to return the phone to truly stock settings.

Top 10 Reasons to Root Your Android Phone

Android is one of the most open, versatile, and customizable mobile operating systems out there. You may think you don't need to root your phone, but you'd be surprised at how much more you can accomplish with a little work. Here are 10 reasons rooting your phone is worth the hassle.

10. Unlock Hidden Features and Install "Incompatible" Apps

Sometimes, even Android isn't open enough to give you some of the features you want. Either an app is blocked by carriers, hacks into Android's system files, or otherwise isn't available. Luckily, rooting can help with that: you can install carrier-blocked apps, get features from the latest version of Android, make incompatible apps compatible, power up your hardware, get features like Beats Audio from other phones, or emulate exclusive features like those on the Moto X. Whatever you want, rooting gives you the power to do a lot more.

9. Automate Everything

You've probably heard of Tasker, the awesome app that automates just about anything on your phone. You don't need to root your phone to use it, but if you're rooted, it can do a whole lot more. Certain tasks, like toggling 3G, GPS, changing CPU speed, turning the screen on, and others require root access. So, if you want to get the full benefit of an app like Tasker, you'll definitely want to root your phone.

8. Boost Your Phone's Speed and Battery Life

You can do a lot of things to speed up your phone and boost its battery life without rooting, but with root—as always—you have even more power. For example, with an app like SetCPU you can overclock your phone for better performance, or underclock it for better battery life. You can also use an app like Greenify to automatically hibernate apps you aren't using—perfect for those apps that always want to run in the background when you're not looking.

7. Block Ads in Any App

Look, we of all people understand the need for occasional ads—it's how we make money. But ads can also get in the way and use up data. If you want to block ads in certain apps or on certain devices, rooting is by far the best way to do so. AdFree, AdBlock Plus, and Ad Away are all great options. Of course, if you aren't rooted, going into airplane mode works in a pinch too.

6. Back Up Your Phone for Seamless Transitions

When you move to a new Android device—or restore your device to stock for any reason—you can make your life a lot easier by backing up your apps and settings first. That way, you can get your entire setup back in just a few taps. If you aren't rooted, you can back up a few things like apps and data, but you won't necessarily be able to backup system apps and their data, or automate the entire process as well as Titanium Backup can. Check out our guide to Titanium Backup for more tips.

5. Remove Preinstalled Crapware

Titanium Backup is good for more than just backups, too. It can also uninstall that annoying, battery-draining, space-wasting crapware that comes preinstalled on so many phones these days—and, sadly, this feature is root-only. Freeze them first to make sure your phone operates normally without them, then delete them completely to free up that space.

4. Tweak the Dark Corners of Android

f you're the kind of person that likes to fiddle with every little feature—both on the surface and under the hood—rooting is for you. Whether you want to customize your keyboard layout with something like Keyboard Manager or give yourself faster scrolling, improved multitasking, and extra themes with Pimp My ROM, rooting gives you the power to tweak just about any corner you can think of. If you want to do it, chances are someone over on a forum like XDA has created a mini-app or tweak that will help.

3. Flash a Custom Kernel

Some of Android's most under-the-hood tweaks require a custom kernel, which you can only flash with a rooted device. The kernel is responsible for helping your apps communicate with the hardware of your phone, which means a custom kernel can give you better performance, battery life, and even extra features like Wi-Fi tethering (on unsupported phones), faster battery charging, and lots more. You can flash kernels manually or simplify the process with something like Kernel Manager.

2. Flash a Custom ROM

Okay, so you probably already know about this one—but it's one of the best benefits of rooting. A custom ROM is basically a custom version of Android, and it truly changes how you use your phone. Some merely bring a stock version of Android to non-stock phones, or later versions of Android to phones that don't have it yet. Some add a few handy features, some add lots of really unique features, and some change your operating system from head to toe. No matter what phone you have—even if it's a Nexus—we highly recommend checking out the custom ROMs out there. You won't be disappointed.

1. Truly Own Your Device

In the end, all of this boils down to one thing: you own your device, and you should be able to do with it as you please. Certain manufacturers and carriers try to keep that from happening, but with root access, you truly own your device and open yourself up to all the possibilities other parties try to block. Sure, there's some risk involved, and we don't usually recommend rooting other people's phones, but in the end, you can't put a price on true openness and control.

Five Best Android ROMs

     Whether you're looking to upgrade an Android device forsaken by its manufacturer or you just want more control over the phone or tablet you own, you've probably gone looking for a new ROM. Rooting your phone is the first step, but a new ROM will give you a completely new mobile OS, and this week we're going to look at five of the best Android ROMs, based on your nominations.

We took your nominations, tallied them up, and now we're back to highlight the top five. It's important to note that not every ROM is available for every device, and different ROMs are aimed at different audiences—some of them are designed to upgrade the OS and others are lean and mean installs to speed up your phone. Whichever you choose, you'll have to make sure your device is supported by the developers behind the ROM before installing.


 CyanogenMod is arguably one of the (if not the) most installed Android ROM in the world, and for good reason. It offers a ton of great features, is available for more devices than most other ROMs of its type, and has the type of polish and support that makes it easy to fall in love with. There are builds of CyanogenMod for Android phones and tablets, and slowly but surely the developers behind CyanogenMod are rolling out Ice Cream Sandwich versions for devices whose manufacturers have given up on upgrading the device entirely. To boot, CyanogenMod includes features you won't find in stock Android, like support for OpenVPN, support for downloadable themes, more privacy tools, and more. You can find a list of supported devices here.

The Android Open Kang Project (AOKP) is a relative newcomer compared to many of the other popular ROMs already available, but it's rapidly growing in popularity. It offers many of the features that CyanogenMod has, and at first blush you may mistake one for the other, but as soon as you start looking at the options and add-ons, you'll see the differences. AOKP has earned high marks for add-ons and tools that you can't get in CM, centralized control over ROM options, and overall more customization options than CM. At the same time, its development community is smaller and it may not have the same polish and device support that CyanogenMod has. Still, it's super-fast, it's stable, and definitely worth a look. You can find a list of all supported devices here.

MIUI struck us with how beautiful the user interface was and how elegant it made Android look and feel. It's not the most feature-packed or hackable ROM, but it's definitely one of the most customizable and elegant, and it's seriously fast. MIUI started life as a modded version of Android localized in China, but fans of the mod have since localized it for dozens of languages and countries. It offers strong theme support, beautiful stock apps, customizable lockscreens, support for GApps, and complete root access. You're not going to get a wealth of niche features here, but you will get a device that's much easier and more fun to use once you install MIUI. You can find a list of supported devices here.

If you have a Galaxy Nexus, Nexus S, Samsung Galaxy S or Galaxy S II, Slim ICS may be the ROM for you. Not only will Slim ICS bring your device up to Ice Cream Sandwich, it's also a super-thin, lightweight installation that's remarkably easy to install, even though it's clearly aimed at advanced users. Slim ICS already has GApps rolled in, so you don't need to install them later. Where other ROMs try to add tons of new features and tweaking options, Slim ICS is designed to trim the fat down to the bare essentials and give you a fast and clean ICS installation. It's only available for a handful of Samsung devices and there's pretty much one developer and a few beta testers behind the scenes, so don't expect a ton of feature additions or new devices, but it is updated weekly and sports a good number of third-party mods.

Liquid Smooth ROMS are available for multiple devices, and while the project started off with the Motorola Droid, Droid 2, Droid X, Droid Incredible, and HTC Thunderbolt, it's also available for the Galaxy Nexus and a few other devices, although you'll have to poke around the forums a bit to find them. The banner feature of Liquid is that it's probably one of the fastest ICS ROMs available, faster even than the stock install that comes on the Galaxy Nexus. You don't sacrifice features for the speed, but the overall size of the ROM is still nice and small, leaving more space for the apps and features you choose to use, as opposed to ones forced on you. GApps are baked right in, and the ROM offers theme support so you can customize it to your liking. All in all, if you have a supported device, it's probably the leanest, meanest ICS ROM you can download.

 What's The Best Android ROM? 

Total Votes: 8,761

No honorable mentions this week, but you all nominated well over 60 different ROMs for consideration, so whatever ROM you settle on, make sure it's a good match for the features you're looking for, the device you own, and the version of Android you want to run. These may be your top five, but they may not be the best for your specific device, so do your homework!

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Verizon Droid DNA (dlx) ROM List 

*Flash your device at your own risk* 


(04/07/2013) [SS] Unoffical Miui v4.1.2 (CM10) +

(04/06/2013) [SS] Hatka Supreme 1.0.7 (4.1.2)(S5) +

(04/05/2013) [SS] BAMF Stock Plus v2.0 (1.28) +

(04/05/2013) [SS] ZoneDNA (2.04) +

(03/25/2013) [SS] NOS M7 v1.0.6 (4.1.2)(S5) +

(03/08/2013) [SS] NOS v1.0.1 (4.1.1)(S4+) +

(02/26/2013) [SS] Super Charged Hatka 3.0.3 (2.04) +

(02/25/2013) [SS] LRS DNA v1.1 (2.04) +

(01/27/2013) [SS] MikRoms CODIS v1.1.1 (1.15)

(01/16/2013) [SS] Hatka DNA 2.6.0 (1.15)

(01/07/2013) [SS] UKB DNA 1.3.0 (1.15)

(01/01/2013) [SS] Battery Plus Rom v2.1 Lite (1.15)

*All source links are from xda-developers forum*


S5 – Sense 5
1.15.605.4 - 4.1.1 | S4+
1.28.401.7 – 4.1.2 | S5 (M7)
2.04.605.2 - 

Verizon Galaxy S4 (i545) ROM List 

*Flash your device at your own risk*


(02/18/2014) AOSP Google Edition (4.4.2)(KOT49H)(GPE)

(02/18/2014) ECHOE KK GE v2.2 (4.4.2)(ML4)(GPE)

(02/17/2014) OSE Rom (4.4.2)(SLIM)(PIE)(HALO)

(02/16/2014) SlimKat Stable 3.0 (4.4.2)

(02/16/2014) NamelessROM nightly (4.4.2)

(02/13/2014) Octo_Kat Beta (4.4.2)(KOT49H)

(02/05/2014) Avatar ROM 5 nightly (4.4.2)(HYBRID)

(02/08/2014) Hyperdrive RLS14 (4.3)(MK2)

(02/04/2014) CarbonRom KK (4.4.2)(AOSP)

(01/30/2014) LiquidSmooth v3.0 Beta (4.4.2)

(01/26/2014) PurifieD ROM (4.3)(MK2)

(01/25/2014) VanirAOSP Nightlies

(01/12/2014) BeanStalk 4.4.215 (4.4)(CM11)

(10/29/2013) Sacs Custom Rom v7.1+

(10/05/2013) Jelly 'Beans' Build 7 (4.2.2)(ME7)

*All source links are from xda-developers forum*

+ – new additions
4.2.2 – MDK


Verizon Galaxy S III (i535) ROM List 

*Flash your device at your own risk* 


(12/05/2012) [SS] SynergyROM Nightly (LJ1)

(11/28/2012) [SS] Galaxy MOD RLS8 (LK1)

(11/27/2012) [SS] Jelly 'Beans' Build 5 (LK1)

(11/22/2012) [SS] CleanROM 5.0 (LG7)

(11/20/2012) [SS] CleanROM Lite Edition v4 (LK1)

(11/10/2012) [SS] JellyWiz RLS13 (LJ1)

(11/09/2012) [SS] Standard ROM v1.2 (JB)

(11/08/2012) [SS] Stock Rooted VRBLJ1 Leak #2

(10/11/2012) [SS] LiquidSmooth v2.0 RC5 (4.1.2)

(10/27/2012) [SS] Bean's Custom Stock Rom Build 15 (4.0.4)

(10/26/2012) [SS] V4.1 2.10.19 (4.1.1)

(10/21/2012) [SS] JellyBomb ICS RLS3 (LHE)

(10/17/2012) [SS] CleanROM Ultra Lite Edition v2

(09/29/2012) [SS] VRALHD Stock Rooted

(09/18/2012) [SS] SoLiD IcE 2.0 (4.0.4)

(09/17/2012) [SS] MIUIAndroid 2.9.14 Alpha3 (4.1.1)

(08/18/2012) [SS] Unofficial CyanogenMod V10 Nightly

(08/17/2012) [SS] REDEMPTION ROM 2.0


4.1.1 – LJ1, LK1
4.0.4 – LHD, LHE, LG1, LG7